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KIT Scenarist

3 reviews
10.8 k downloads

Write movie scripts like a pro on your PC

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Carlos Martínez icon
Reviewed by
Carlos Martínez
Content Team Lead

KIT Scenarist is a program for Windows that makes it easy to create movie scripts that follow the international standards used by screenwriters working in this industry. With tons of features, this is a complete tool designed to help you get your ideas down from start to finish.

The research module of this program allows you to gather multiple materials as you start developing each project. In this section of KIT Scenarist, you can store basic information about the script, such as its name, synopsis, a list of characters, and the location of each scene. You'll also have the option to add maps, links of interest, and any other relevant information.

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Next, you can use KIT Scenarist's script editor to fully focus on the story you're creating. It should be noted that this tool uses an algorithm to speed up the formatting process, so you can write dialogue between characters much more efficiently.

By downloading the latest version of KIT Scenarist for Windows, you'll also be able to export scripts in different formats, such as PDF, FDX, Fountain, and DOCX, among others. Similarly, the advanced export option allows you to automatically add scenes, dialogue, and page numbers, as well as create a title page or correct the text. All in all, this is one of the best script writing programs that you can install on your PC.

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Information about KIT Scenarist 0.7.2.rc15

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Typing
Language English
Author DimkaNovikov labs.
Downloads 10,808
Date Feb 24, 2023
Content Rating All ages
Advertisement Not specified
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3 reviews


chaoukiarts icon
in 2023

Excellent and very functional. Lacks the breakdown of the scenario and listing of accessories for costumes by scene.

magnificentpurplecow91335 icon
in 2023

I find it excellent, very functional. I recommend it to everyone interested in writing, be it scripts, theater plays, novels, and more.

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